Friday, July 11, 2008

Bon Voyage!

Late August. kiss my family goodbye, drive to SFO, and board a flight bound for Paris Charles-de-Gaule.  I will arrive in Paris,  then take a train to Lyon. 
 I will most likely not set foot on American soil for another year.  Despite the fact that I leave in six weeks, I have not fully realized the magnitude of a year away from California (no mexican food?  I can legally drink alcohol?!!!  Guys wear scarves?  people think I personally know Brad pitt and other LA celebrities?  (For the record, we have tea every tuesdays at his Hollywood Hills estate).  I don't think it will fully sink in until I am actually on the plane....and by that time, there is no room for regrets or second thoughts.  I embraced the idea long ago as an essential part of my college experience.
I have dreamed of studying abroad in France since before I applied to UCLA.   Traveling to foreign countries, immersing myself in a new culture, communicating in another language, though challenging, fills me with an incredible joie de vivre.    I plan on updating this blog occasionally to chronicle my adventures in France as an American, acclimating to French society, a French University, and slowly losing my ability to speak English.  please keep in touch.  Peace out, חברים! (i love throwing hebrew randomly into conversaton)



Alexandra said...

Yay! I love this idea; I'll definitely do it when I go abroad in the spring :D I love the look of your blog too, very pretty! And is that a quote from L'Auberge Espagnole I see? :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog
me likes it,
Sooo....when did you say you were leaving cupcake?

Mara said...

haha very funny "jurrietto"